What is Summer Learning Loss?

What happens when students go on break during the summer to all that great stuff they learned throughout the school year? With school out and no educational activities for 2-3 months, children typically go backwards instead of sustaining new high-quality learning methods. They experience what is called “summer learning loss.”


The loss or major decrease of skills obtained during the school year due to lack of practice during the summer months. Summer learning loss effects students by causing them to fall farther behind in their achievements in the long run.

How can I Prevent Summer Learning Loss?

In order to prevent the loss of the material already learned during the school year, it is important to do  the following:

  • Encourage your child to read for at least 30 minutes a day as a quiet time activity
  • Play educational games for fun
  • Download free worksheets online or purchase activity worksheet books and have them work their way through the book in the summer.
  • Plan weekly educational visits to museums and the library

Summer shouldn’t just be centered around a vacation. Summer should be about giving children an advantage, another opportunity to learn, get ahead, and acquire new skills.

How does summer learning loss impact learning a new language?

Language, unlike math and spelling, is lost at a higher speed when not used regularly. So, if your child is learning a new language, stopping for a short amount time of—even if it is only a month or a few weeks—creates a substantial loss and set back.

In fact, the summer months should be used to advance language skills by increasing the number of exposures or classes.  We offer summer school exhilarated Armenian classes to get children a jump start or just to help them catch up.

Keep summer learning loss at bay with educational enrichment which will prevent your kids from going backwards during the summer months of no stimulatory brain activities. With ToTalk Armenian, we have ensured to adhere all learning styles to set each student up for success. Combat summer learning loss by taking classes at ToTalk Armenian. Summer is a great time to boost Armenian skills since they aren’t occupied with anything else.







Prevention methods of summer learning loss:

Tootie is more than happy to spend summer with you!

You can sign up on our website www.totalkarmenian.com or give us a call, (213)510-2400.